
Showing posts from February, 2021

Mobile Home Insurance in Boston

While visiting Vermont recently, my wife and I purchased our first, bona fide antique desk. We love it but want to make sure it is covered under our mobile home insurance policy in Boston. Any recommendations? Douglas and Sharon Boston, MA Hello Douglas and Sharon, Sounds like a successful trip to a spot known for great antiques. Assuming the desk is at your house and not at another location, you will need to modify your homeowner's policy.  Typically when homeowners first acquire mobile home insurance they accept the policy’s standard property value coverage.  As homeowners settle in, they acquire more sophisticated possessions. Most mobile home insruance policies set a value equal to 50% of the home’s value as a standard amount of insurance for items within the home. As you look around, do some quick math. That figure is probably not enough.  As with your desk, you may have certain items that dramatically cause the personal property coverage pr