
Showing posts from January, 2021

Buy Cheap Mobile Home Insurance Florida

A friend of mine is getting insurance for his mobile home so I’m thinking I should get one too. What do insurers here in Miami Beach, FL offer, anyway? Miami Beach, Florida Hi Judd! I’m glad that you’re considering getting mobile home insurance for your own mobile home in Miami Beach, FL. Your home is also an investment – wouldn’t you like to make sure it is protected? Accidents happen all the time – fire from faulty electrical wiring or falling asleep while smoking, the explosion caused by a leaky stove, even coconuts falling from the tree onto your mobile home or stray animals scratching the paint on your door.  Plus, there are deliberate damages or losses caused by vandals or robbers. Consider natural calamities such as storms or high winds and what these can do to your mobile home.  The point is, there are a lot of unwanted, usually unexpected events that can cause damage to your home . If you do not have an unlimited bank account to repair such damages, replace