
Showing posts from September, 2020

Cheap Mobile Home Insurance Quotes Arizona

What are deductibles? Do I want them to be big or small when I get mobile home insurance here in Phoenix Arizona AZ? Lillian Phoenix, AZ Hi there, Lillian. A deductible is the cost of damage that you are willing to shoulder out of your own pocket before your mobile home insurance provider in Phoenix Arizona takes over. Basically, a lower deductible amount means that if anything happens to your mobile home, then you only have to shell out a small amount of money and your insurer will take care of the rest.  However, you need to note that a lower deductible amount often redounds to higher premiums since the insurance company will expect to handle a greater amount of liability for your mobile home. The choice is yours to make, Lillian. Essentially, you need to ask yourself how much money you are capable of scrounging up in case something happens.  You need to find your own balance between insurance premiums and how much you are willing to take out of your own pocket be