
First Time Home Owner Liability Protection Wichita Falls Texas TX

I’ve recently purchased a mobile home here in Wichita Falls, Texas. I just notice something that says “Liability protection” as an option in my mobile home insurance policy, what is that? Jacob Wichita Falls, TX The term ” Liability Protection”, in the context of a mobile home insurance policy, basically means coverage for the insured party from liabilities incurred where he/she is obligated by law to compensate for any damage or loss due done to another party.  In this case, any damage to the property that the insured might have caused to a third party can be covered by an insurance policy under Liability Protection.  For example , say you were driving and managed to crash your car on another person’s garage, the property damage you have caused may be covered in this policy.  Note that this is something that an insurance company would rarely be happy to cover for, but in the essence of additional profit or as a competitive edge they will, so as a consumer y

Mobile home insurance Policy and Quote

Mobile home insurance Policy Whenever you purchase it or make changes, read your Mobile home insurance policy. Knowing what will be in your Mobile home insurance policy is important when you are shopping around for a Mobile home insurance policy company. Here are a few things you should keep an eye out for: How much is the deductible? What are the limits of my Mobile home insurance policy coverage? What are the guidelines for making claims? How good is my Mobile home insurance policy company’s customer service? Mobile home insurance quote How do I find the best mobile home insurance quote? A:  Look at different companies that offer a mobile home insurance quote. If you don’t take your search for a good mobile home insurance quote to more than one company, then you will end up paying far more than is necessary. There are many places that will offer you a mobile home insurance quote online, which makes the process quicker and easier. However, if you live in a

Mobile Home Insurance in Boston

While visiting Vermont recently, my wife and I purchased our first, bona fide antique desk. We love it but want to make sure it is covered under our mobile home insurance policy in Boston. Any recommendations? Douglas and Sharon Boston, MA Hello Douglas and Sharon, Sounds like a successful trip to a spot known for great antiques. Assuming the desk is at your house and not at another location, you will need to modify your homeowner's policy.  Typically when homeowners first acquire mobile home insurance they accept the policy’s standard property value coverage.  As homeowners settle in, they acquire more sophisticated possessions. Most mobile home insruance policies set a value equal to 50% of the home’s value as a standard amount of insurance for items within the home. As you look around, do some quick math. That figure is probably not enough.  As with your desk, you may have certain items that dramatically cause the personal property coverage pr

Buy Cheap Mobile Home Insurance Florida

A friend of mine is getting insurance for his mobile home so I’m thinking I should get one too. What do insurers here in Miami Beach, FL offer, anyway? Miami Beach, Florida Hi Judd! I’m glad that you’re considering getting mobile home insurance for your own mobile home in Miami Beach, FL. Your home is also an investment – wouldn’t you like to make sure it is protected? Accidents happen all the time – fire from faulty electrical wiring or falling asleep while smoking, the explosion caused by a leaky stove, even coconuts falling from the tree onto your mobile home or stray animals scratching the paint on your door.  Plus, there are deliberate damages or losses caused by vandals or robbers. Consider natural calamities such as storms or high winds and what these can do to your mobile home.  The point is, there are a lot of unwanted, usually unexpected events that can cause damage to your home . If you do not have an unlimited bank account to repair such damages, replace

Mobile Home Insurance

Hi, we just purchased our first insurance policy for our mobile home. Our attorney here in Arivaca, Arizona suggested that we should consider getting an umbrella policy. What’s that? And do you think that’s better than just the mobile home insurance policy? Getting an insurance policy for your mobile home is a good thing! This policy generally covers any incidents or accidents that involve you, your family, your houseguests, and your mobile home and even your pets up to a certain limit (let’s say $100,000)! That’s already great coverage! The purpose of the umbrella policy is to add to your homeowner’s insurance. This deals with today’s skyrocketing medical costs and legal fees due to catastrophic and unforeseen accidents .  This helps you have peace of mind because you know you are fully covered, as the umbrella policy works well with your homeowner’s policy. It also costs reasonable too. Your insurance agent in Arizona should be able to discuss the details with you in

Mobile Home Insurance Question

While visiting Vermont recently, my wife and I purchased our first, bona fide antique desk. We love it but want to make sure it is covered under our mobile home insurance policy in Boston. Any recommendations? Hello Douglas and Sharon, Sounds like a successful trip to a spot known for great antiques. Assuming the desk is at your house and not at another location, you will need to modify your homeowner's policy. Typically when homeowners first acquire mobile home insurance they accept the policy’s standard property value coverage.  As homeowners settle in, they acquire more sophisticated possessions. Most mobile home insruance policies set a value equal to 50% of the home’s value as a standard amount of insurance for items within the home. As you look around, do some quick math. That figure is probably not enough. As with your desk, you may have certain items that dramatically cause the personal property coverage provided by your homeowner's policy to be inad

Cheap Mobile Home Insurance Company

We have just upgraded our kitchen and decorated our mobile home. What should we know about cheap mobile home insurance policy in Arizona? Thank you. Too many mobile homeowners purchase their policy when they buy their mobile house and automatically renew their coverage, leaving it to the carrier to increase their mobile homeowner's coverage by the standard rate of inflation. Unfortunately, this rarely keeps pace with the actual cost of replacement. It is important to consider this when adjusting your mobile homeowner's policy. Remember the difference between market value, which includes the actual replacement cost of the mobile home is very different. For example,  when you recently remodeled your kitchen, you most likely upgraded appliances, countertops and cabinets. You will need to factor their actual replacement cost and the replacement cost of other added features into your mobile homeowner's policy. As you are aware of changes to your mobile home, yo